Leased and Freehold information

Elthorne First Housing Tenant was registered as a cooperative in 1979

Registered in 1979 as a co-operative, Elthorne First is a small organisation, managed by a Management Committee, all of whom are all volunteers, and has a very small staff team.  It operates in a complex, challenging environment.


As you will be aware the Elthorne 1st Tenant Co-Op manages the properties on behalf of the London Borough of Islington who are the Landlords.

As Leaseholders your Lease is with Islington Council and it is to them that you pay your Service Charges.  Elsewhere on this Website there is information detailing the split of responsibility between the Elthorne 1st Co-Op and Islington Council.  But for other Leasehold or Indeed Freehold information about Service Charges levied by Islington Council or Insurance Claims you should make contact with the Home Ownership Unit of Islington Council.

Furthermore any other queries you may have relating to your Leasehold/Freehold property surrounding dis-repair issues and/or permissions for alterations should be directed to the Home Ownership Unit on 0207 527 7715.